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My Approach

Holistic mindset transformation is more than just changing your thoughts and is about embracing a comprehensive approach to personal growth and well-being. It involves nurturing all aspects of your being – mind, body, and spirit ultimately leading to new states of awareness and living.

 The first step in transformation is becoming aware of your current mindset patterns and beliefs. I will help you to identify limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging thoughts, and mental blocks that may be holding you back.

 Cultivating mindfulness and practicing presence are essential tools in creating your desired mindset. I will share techniques and practices that will help you become more present and help to quieten the chatter of the mind thus helping to gain more clarity

Transformation requires self-compassion and acceptance of yourself, just as you are. I will support you in cultivating self-love, compassion, and acceptance, allowing you to embrace your strengths and imperfections with kindness and grace

Understanding and managing your emotions is pivotal in personal growth. We will work together to release past traumas, emotional wounds, and negative emotions that may hinder your growth and happiness.

Starting an intentional journey towards developing your emotional intelligence is key as this strength allows you to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and helps you be both self and socially aware. I will be your number one advocate and thinking partner as I guide and support you on this journey towards self-discovery and growth.

Your lifestyle significantly shapes your mindset and overall well-being. I will help and guide you to optimise your lifestyle by implementing healthy habits, improving time management, and creating routines that support your goals and values.

True transformation occurs when insights are translated into action. I will help to create practical action steps and habits that align with your values and goals, ensuring that your transformation is integrated into all areas of your life.

Our Journey

Through 1:1 coaching we will break down heartbreak, confusion, numbness, fear, hopelessness, anger, frustration & resentment to name a few, and transform that into confidence, increased self-esteem, worthiness, self-love, sense of renewed and recharged energy with increased drive and focus to live your greatest life!

Our Journey

Through 1:1 coaching we will break down heartbreak, confusion, numbness, fear, hopelessness, anger, frustration & resentment to name a few, and transform that into confidence, increased self-esteem, worthiness, self-love, sense of renewed and recharged energy with increased drive and focus to live your greatest life!

What my clients are saying

My sessions with Akshaya were so positive. She has a way of making you feel comfortable while digging deep into places you have previously avoided, gradually guiding you on a path where you feel empowered to be in your skin.
Thank you, beautiful soul.


My sessions with Akshaya have been insightful, thought-provoking & transformational. She is able to put you at ease, help you navigate through questions and feelings, break them down till you reach the core belief, then help you see a different perspective, tweak the core belief, which helps you change that thought, and you change your life. Yes! you do all the work and she is an amazing coach. Thank you for being the beautiful person you are.